Friday, January 8, 2010

7.5 Years

Five years ago today, Nic and I were sealed for time and all eternity. When I stop and think about everything that happened during our relationship prior to getting married, it really makes me realize that the Lord truly intervened in our relationship. Especially from the start.

Nic and I met in July of 2002 (7.5 years ago). At first I thought he was a jerk and I heard that he had a "history" so I decided to "play" him. But after a while I found that I just couldn't do it. He was too nice of a guy. About two months after dating, I decided to heed the counsel of one of my Young Women's advisers that had counseled us (when we began dating) to pray about the boys that we were dating, to know if they were ones we should be dating. While I was praying I got the VERY distinct answer that I could marry Nic. I totally stopped during my prayer. Marriage was the LAST thing that I was thinking about, I was freaked out. How in the world was I supposed to bring this up to a guy that I had been dating only for a couple of months?!

We had a lot of ups and downs during our dating years. Sometimes we would be together, sometimes we wouldn't be. We were much like Ross and Rachel ("We were on a break!"). I think my friends just stopped trying to figure out if we were or weren't together. Even when we weren't together, Nic was still around. He was my best friend.

I'm so grateful for Nic. He is truly my everything. Here is a list of 5 reason I love my hubby:

1) He makes me feel like a queen. He has never spoken to me with a harsh tone-not even when he's upset (which, honestly hardly ever happens). He always treats me with love and respect.

2) He thinks I'm a good cook. I can make anything and he thinks it's the best thing every. I'm not lacking in my culinary skills by any means, but sometimes some things are better than others. But no matter what, it's always: "Thanks babe. That was so good."

3) He encourages me. When I have thought about doing something and had doubts he has been there to tell me that I can do it. He's always letting me know that I can achieve anything I put my mind to.

4) He is affectionate. I love that we can fall asleep cuddled together or just holding hands.

5) His faith and testimony. It seems that no matter what trials have happened in our life, he will be the first one to say: "We have to have faith. The Lord will provide." He's unshakable when hard times fall upon us. He is my rock.

I love you Nicolas Ryan! Here's to another five (or 7.5) years.


Shandy said...

love this!
you can definitely tell that two of you are 110% into each other... still! what a great example of marriage to others :)
thanks for sharing :)

Nicole and Lurlyn said...

Happy Anniversary Elaine!!! You and your hubby look so perfect together and I know the Lord will bless your happy home in the near future! Love, Nicole!

CortEmPeterson said...

Happy Anniversary!! I forgot that it was today. Who did the beautiful flowers in the picture!

Anonymous said...

I wish you wold make your mind. Do you want another 5 years, or 7.5 years. LOL
