I think he's pretty much the greatest thing since sliced bread. . .no-since chocolate! He always impresses me with his strong work ethic and his willingness to do (now) whatever it takes to make sure I am home with our children (when they start coming). He always listens to me complain and never asks: "Are you sure you're not over-reacting?" though, I might be just a little. He does the dishes when I cook (and even when he cooks). He tells me I look good, even though I've put the weight back on that I've lost (darn you stress eating). I know that I can be myself around him. He has never expected me to be the "perfect house wife." He lets me know he loves me every day. He smiles when I burp. He gives the best hugs. I know that after a bad day, I can fall asleep in his arms and know that everything will be okay.
Thanks babe! I love you and I'm so grateful for everything you do.
That's it. Just wanted to make you readers jealous! :)