Friday, May 29, 2009

It is finished!

Our adoption pass along cards are done-and we are very excited to start passing them out. you can CLICK HERE to see the final product. Nic and I have decided that from here on out we are not going to be putting any adoption/IVF related stuff on here. Though, this journey is a part of us we don't what it to seem that it's the ONLY part of us, does that make sense?

But in case you don't frequent Our Journey to Parenthood we would like to ask that if you would one of our pass along cards mailed to you, send your address to: and we will be sure to get one (or two or three) to you.


Tori said...

Wow sounds like you guys are getting much closer to starting your own family. Your profile and everything looks fantastic. It really shows what a loving family you already are and the loving family you hope to create. I hope it works out well for you and that all your prayers are answered. I'll be thinking of you guys.

Just Only Me said...

Sweet! And I can't wait to see you!!!!!! :)