Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Last 10 years

Since it's the beginning of a new decade, I decided to hit on some of my highlights from the last 10 years. Enjoy!

2000-Moved to Rexburg to attend BYU-Idaho. Though I wasn't too excited about attending a church school, it was the best decision I ever made. Said good-bye to my grandma, Rosario.

2001-Made the decision for the fall semester of '01 to move into a house where I knew NO ONE. It was a little scary and nerve racking at first, but I don't regret it one bit. The girls I met are my very best friends. Laughter and tears we survived it all.

2002-Moved to Boise with the intention of finishing my education. I took a break. . .a very long break. Met a boy (or two or three) but only one truly caught my attention, right babe: ;)

2003-Can you believe I can't think of anything for 2003??? I'm sure it was full of surprises though. It seems my life is NEVER boring.

2004-Got engaged and started planning a wedding.

2005-Got married!

2006-Tried to start a family. Found out it would be harder than anticipated, especially emotionally.

2007-Went on a cruise. It was WONDERFUL!!! Longing to go on another one. Maybe in a few years.

2008-Became homeowners.

2009-Became paper pregnant. Quit my job and made the decision to go back to school.

I can't wait to see what the next 10 years bring us!

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