Friday, February 5, 2010

Hair Spray Dilema

Since I've quit my job, our income has been cut in half. This is an adjustment that has not been without it's challenges but we're trying our best to make it work. Case in point? Our trip to Wal-Mart yesterday. On the list: hair spray, liquid hand soap and yogurt.

Now, I used to be a salon brat. Going in every four weeks for a trip and six weeks for a cut. Getting my hair colored about every other month. I used the best (salon) products on my hair, even if they cost an arm and a leg. But when we moved into our house, I sacrificed going to the salon as much and stopped using salon products and started using high-end store products. My weapon of choice? Aussie*.

Aussie products smell wonderful and don't leave your hair feeling like it's heavy with product. I love it! I discovered Aussie my senior year of high school and used it through out college and my single days. Going back to Aussie was like going home, it just felt so right :) !

I digress. . .where was I again? Oh, Wal-Mart. Typically at Wal-Mart I would buy this:

This baby cost $4 a pop and it's only 8 oz (though this bottle says 10 oz). Usually I wouldn't even blink at paying that but when you're trying to SAVE money, paying $4 for hair spray seems silly. As I walked by it, I let out a heavy sigh and went to this:

White Rain. $1 for 7 oz. A steal of a deal. But I hate the way my hair feels when I use it and it totally smells like alcohol-gross! As I picked it up off the shelf, I mumbled under my breath: "This sucks!" And my dear hubby looked concerned. He then began to justify why buying the $4 bottle would be okay: 'It will last longer since it has more ounces', 'This a better product', 'It's on sale (which it wasn't)'. This is why I love my husband so dearly, he always trys to make me happy. I couldn't justify buying Aussie-paying $4 more for just ONE ounce just doesn't make sense. So I made the grown up decision and bought White Rain.

We walked out of Wal-Mart only spending $5.07-pretty darn good if I do say so myself.

*I have since learned that Aussie does animal testing on their products and will no longer be using them. Stinky cheese. This is the same reason I stopped using Cover Girl cosmetics.


Melanie said...

What?!? Don't tell me you've forgotten about couponing! I almost never pay for any of our personal items anymore. And if I do, I pay very little. This is an old coupon, but it would have come in handy for your big dilemma:

Waters said...

Ha, funny, Im a white rain or suave user, infact we all come to church wreaking like alcohol. And coupons? Maybe our next womans night out we'll have Mel (and you) teach about using them?