Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Young Women Evolution of Dance

I'm now serving as a counselor for the Beehives and I LOVE it! I've been with these girls since they were in Valiant 10's. I love being able to see them grow.

This month we were in charge of our activity and we decided on a talent show. Every youth group was supposed to do a skit (Deacons, Teachers, Priests, Beehives, Mia Maids and Laurels) and the Leader groups (Bishopric, YM Leaders and YW Leaders) and then individuals could sign up. Our Beehives rocked it lip-syncing and dancing to "Once There was a Snowman" by Inside Out . I forgot to record it though-darn! Us YW Leaders busted a move and did evolution of dance it was fun. Check it out:

We're glad everyone had such a good time!

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