We know that we haven't talked to some of you guys in a
really long time, so we decided to sum up our last three years.
Got married in Oakland, CA on January 8, 2005 (Elvis' birthday). I was a store manager of a retail chain and Nic was running the lab for a local dentist and finishing school. After about 7 months of marriage, I decided that because of my schedule I wasn't able to see Nic as much as a new wife would like, so we made the decision for me to get a new job. Within a weeks' time I applied for a job as a casemanager/paralegal for a local firm and was hired (a true blessing from the Lord).
Nic graduated school last May (yeah!!) with a degree in Biology. The original plan was for us to go to dental school, but that didn't work out. Instead, he has been keeping himself busy with the growth of the lab. The dentist tells him that in the next few months his life is going to get even busier and we can't wait. The lab has been like Nic's baby, he's been there from the very beginning and has enjoyed the growth that he has seen.
I quit my job in Novemeber and started working for an other (smaller) law firm in December. In June/July the lead paralegal will be leaving and I will be taking her spot. I'm very excited. With the new firm, I'm learning a lot more things (litigation, negotiating, etc) that will make me more marketable in the future (should I decide to leave). I was grateful to the other firm for hiring me on with no legal experience, but it was just time for me to move on.
Nic and I are finally set in our careers and have decided that it is time to buy a house of our very own. We're hoping (as long as everything goes according to plan) to have a house by April. No kids yet, but we are hoping some time in the near future. Nic will make an excellent father (I love watching him interact with nieces and nephews and friends' kids).
So, that's our life with the fast foward button. Did I leave something out? I'm sure I did. Maybe I'll catch it on the flip side. Adios!!!